Sunday, June 27, 2010

Blog#5 Samara: Point of View

Inevitably when I write I immediately write in first person. I feel like when I write I need to be in a particular characters head. This has seemed to help in in the past, but for my current work, I have actually moved away from this.

In my story Black and Blue (working title, don't love it). My main characters are a policewoman (Lexi) and her psychatrist (Jacob) and I am often flipping back and forth between the two to see what is going on in their lives. Some of the things they do actually parallel each other. For example, on the morning they first meet each other they both have spent the night sleeping on their own couches. I wanted the freedom to know what was going on with all of my characters and not just Lexi, which is why I chose third person omniscient. I think it is working well for me in this particular story, but as an author I am usually more comfortable in first person.
In Advanced Fiction last semester, I was able to see and hear other people's writing that benefited from a change in point of view, and saw how it really is important to make sure you think about this as a writer for the story you are trying to tell, not just because as the author you are more comfortable in that point of view. I realized I need to be true to my story, even if the point of view isn't necessarily comfortable to me as the author.


  1. Samara, I agree with your point that the needs of the story should determine the point of view. My compliments to you on your choice of narrative voice in Black and Blue. Because I write with a humorous undertone, I find that writing in a completely omniscient voice can sometimes be challenging. When the narrator and therefore the reader knows everything, it makes it difficult (for me) to slip in the elements of surprise that humor relies on.

  2. I eally like the idea that both of your characters spent the previous night on their respective couches. That's an interesting unifying factor.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Your story sounds interesting. I'd love to hear more about it and/or read an excerpt. The way you're setting up your story sounds similar to mine so I'd love to see how you're doing yours. Right now I'm using third person limited but have been toying with the idea of third person omniscient. I'm not sure I could pull it off, though, or if it would get confusing.

  5. It is intersting that so many people are more comfortable in first person. I am definitly not. I think that it seems a little too close sometimes!! I can't wait to read more of your novel!!!

  6. I'm not comfortable in first person either, Brittlane. I'm more comfortable telling the story with a little distance between me and the character.

  7. I'm glad you're still working on this novel; it's a good one.


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