1) Silence Is Golden!!

I must be in a quite place far from distraction. Most of the time I retreat to a hole in the wall, most commonly referred to as my closet. I have a walk-in closet with plenty of room on the floor for a bean bag chair. I also have an electrical socket in there where my computer can be plugged up. (That is very important... Do not adopt a writing spot without an electrical socket! It makes for a very frustrating day!) I shut the door to the closet and block out all of the familiar sounds that echo throughout my house. Including the dog barking, the sound of Sports Center on TV, and the occasional, "Honey, where is the remote." I love it in my closet. I have posted wonderful quotes on the back of the door that help me stay motivated when I want to quit. I encourage everyone to find there closet, go inside, shut the door, and write.
2) Room To Grow
I have found that while I am writing, I NEED SPACE. I need to be able to spread things out. I need to have a few notebooks for scribbling ideas. I need to have a place to put my chips and drink. I need space for reference books. I need space for the rewrite notes. I need enough space to feel like I can move if I need to. I hate feeling claustrophobic. If I feel closed in, my thoughts do too. (I know most of you are thinking, "I think that is a mental problem.") So if you choose a closet to write in, make sure it's a walk-in.
3) Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder!

Your note about walking away really struck a chord with me. I do it myself, sometimes, if I get stuck. I always take a note pad with me while I am otherwise occupied, and often the solution to my problem pops up unannounced.
ReplyDeleteI like walking away from a story too. Sometimes the time away makes me see the story with fresh eyes, I often get too close to a story to realize what I've left out.
ReplyDeleteI love your description of the closet. Can I borrow the space every once in awhile?
I can relate to the need for silence and space. My favorite place to write is in the library and at a large conference table. Of course, I'm the only one at the table and I have papers spread all about. But there's something about being around people and yet it still being quiet that I find quite conducive to writing (for me, anway).
ReplyDeleteSure Jess, Come on Over!!!