Hello everyone. My name is Brittany and I am a writer. Wow, that is weird for me to say. I have never thought of myself as a writer until recently. I came to Kennesaw State to learn how to write plays, but I soon found out that there is so much more to writing than just professors teaching me techniques and tricks. I have found that you must believe you are a writer before you can write.
I have to continually tell myself that, “yes I am a writer…I can write.” There has been many times over my course of study that I have asked myself, “Brittany, what are you doing, you don’t know how to use a comma and you can’t even spell…How are you going to be a writer?” Most of the time the temptation to give up comes when I am staring at the computer with a story to tell, but I can’t figure out where to begin. Or when I have begun the story, but I don’t know where to go in the middle. Or when I have done the beginning and the middle, but don’t know how to end it. I often feel like I am always in the process, and I never have a finished product.
I am currently working on a project that has to be finished, because it is my Capstone. I am writing a play. I chose a play, because theatre is all I have ever wanted to do. Whether it is acting, directing, or playwriting, I want to be involved in it. My play is set in the Civil Rights Movement Era. The plot centers on an interracial couple and their struggles hiding their love. I have the idea in my head and I know how I hope it goes. Now I just have to give it a beginning…and a middle…and an ending. Wait am I sure that I want to be a writer?
OK That is not where I meant to put the picture! Sorry!
ReplyDeleteHello Brittany. You are absolutely right about beginnings. A good beginning makes the story, but a lousy beginning can absolutely ruin it. I spend more time on the first chapter than on any other part of the book.
ReplyDeleteYea, Brittany! You did it! So glad to see you on the blog. I loved your comments and congratulations on working on your Capstone! Looking forward to hearing how you will resolve your mystery of the story. Get an outline going to keep you on track once you figure it out. Happy writing!
ReplyDeleteJessica Q